Puppet Development

Puppet development using mixed media (wood, mesh, copper wire, clay, modroc, fabrics, thread) |
Grandma Jayneee? |
Great Uncle SimonSara? |
Unknown Male Ancestor |
Taking inspiration from Giacometti, Klee and my ancestors I started to develop small scale 'puppets' using mixed media. These characters soon took on distinctive features which I created intuitively. My subconscious thoughts moulded forms which could have multiple uses for performance; static or moving. Photographing the puppet sculptures will be an important element to the work. The metalevels of narrative opens up many opportunities, layers and directions for the work to take. The faux fur coat in the female figure refers to my paternal grandmother's 1930's fox fur coat which I used to play dress up in as a small child. The coat is lined with a fabric I designed for a high street fashion company in the late 1980s. The figures' faces were modelled on an amalgamation of my family features and characteristics including both males and females. The posed photographs create tension, atmosphere and narrative.
Ancestors |
Ancestors |
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