MA Fine Art Introductory Project - Nothing

initial response #1

...nothing of value meaning
The idea of nothing presents an interesting problem. When thinking about nothing it can lead to hours of abstract dreaming and musings which take you to the realms of the infinite. Simply, a state of mindfulness.
The terms nothing, nought, zero, space, void, devoid, and vacancy; when applied to visual interpretation can provoke responses which are purely conceptual or those which have form through using materials to create nothing out of something and/or something out of nothing.
For me nothing was a value. Mostly a negative value. A value quite often applied by myself to myself as an artist with a mental health condition. But this is a label (and often felt stigma) which I intend to confront and use for positive meaning and exploration. My anxiety and depression can often lead me towards a 'void state' which can manifest in a number of ways such as inactivity or hyperactivity, low mood or mania. I intend to garner these emotional states and use this energy to mark make. I am interested in the elements of additive and subtractive marks for creative narrative.
This blog will record my journey and critical investigation.
This blog will record my journey and critical investigation.
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